Saturday, 27 June 2015

One Saturday in May

I've long been an admirer of Xanthe Berkeley's mini films. I finally signed up to her mini time capsules course yesterday and I stayed up until long past my bedtime last night editing a little film of one day in May.

One Saturday from Alexis Allan on Vimeo.

The children have watched this over and over this morning already and I must say that I too am rather pleased with the results. It was a lovely day and I'm glad I captured lots of it - there was a trip to Maltby Street market in the morning followed by pottering in the garden while Coco was at a party and then hanging out in the pub garden before Hugh and I went out to the cinema. Saturday's like that are pretty good. And the weird side effect of the video is that it sparks off lots of images in my memory that I didn't manage to capture. Maybe that's why I like it, because my mind is filling in the gaps

Hope you all enjoy your Saturday and thank you Xanthe for being an INSPIRATION!
The course is brilliant - needless to say I'll be shooting what we get up to today!